Trail of AwesomeneSs Design

8km of sweet flowing single trail from top to bottom.

The Trail of Awesomeness was designed for my local Orange Mountain Bike Club of which I've been an active member for the last 10 years. Glenwood State forest near Mount Canobolas offers incredible terrain with 400m of elevation difference and amazing natural features. The project first involved negotiating access rights with Forest Corp for which a Report on Environmental Factors was produced. I then plotted the trail using a combination of GIS ground models and field visits. Off the gps trail path the track was 3D modelled and test ridden in the video game. The trail builders could then follow the gps trail path on their smart phones, giving them an accurate direction to follow. The result is 8km of sweet flowing single trail from top to bottom. It has proved hugely popular and will be a great tourist asset for the region.

“All of the design work that Jack has done takes a lot of the planning aspect out of building. If we stick to his alignment or very close to it, it works really well. There have been quite a few times where we’ve come through an area and said out loud, that looks too flat,’ but when we’ve shaped it, you come back and say ‘that looks sick,"

Garreth Patton, Iconic Trails