Kinross Wolari School Track

A new track and a 3D course for students to participate in.

I was fortunate enough to be invited by Kinross Wolaroi School in Orange to design their new mountain bike trail. As part of the process I ran a course for the students in the basics of sustainable mountain bike trail design and how I use the latest 3D technology in the process. They were then able to have a go 3D modelling their own trails and test riding in the video game. It was great to make a follow up visit where I presented the newly built trail and demonstrated how the design principles had been applied.

"Kinross Wolaroi School contracted Jack to present to students the fundamentals on MTB track design. Jack then facilitated a workshop at the school farm where he used his expertise to discuss the MTB track design process. Jack incorporated his design into a video game simulation which was amazing and this was integrated into the classroom. The track design that Jack completed, complemented the landscape at the School Farm in what is a very nice flow track. Jack has been extremely professional and generous in the sharing of his ideas and time throughout the whole process."

Liam Callaghan, Academic Staff